What Is a Lipoma? Removal, Removal Cost, Causes, and Treatment

James Coleman
4 min readAug 1, 2022


The average size of a Lipoma, a slow-growing tumor that may feel soft and move slightly under the skin, is between 2–3 centimeters. Seldom, some people have giant Lipoma, which can measure 6–10 cm. Fatty tumors usually trigger the upper body parts like the shoulders, the chest, the forearms, the upper thighs, & the back, etc. However, a Lipoma that develops under the skin can sometimes look unsightly but noticeable when the size increases. Fortunately, non-surgical Lipoma treatment at home is available to treat fatty tumors at your pace.

What are the Causes of Lipoma Formation?

Since these non-cancerous tumors are composed of clumped-together fat cells, Lipoma forms beneath the skin; can develop in any person, especially those who overindulge in alcohol and fatty acids or who inherit this illness are more likely to do so. A Lipoma can form at one time in someone with familial Lipomatosis. It is a condition where the disease is passed on to younger generations while others may have ten or more.

In addition, certain medical diseases, such as Gardner syndrome, Cowden syndrome, Madelung disease, adiposis dolorosa, etc., can encourage the establishment of fatty tumors in the body. Additionally, some lipomas might develop because of trauma to the area that has a significant impact.

What are the Symptoms of Lipoma?

Commonly, 1 in 1000 people may develop fatty tumors once in their lifetime. It feels like a soft, oval-shaped lump just beneath the skin. Its size usually ranges from 2–5 cm and can also cause trouble with its presence on the joints, organs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. However, growing Lipoma on these organs is also a sign of Liposarcoma. It is a condition in which a person has malignant growths throughout his body. For example, a person with fatty lumps on or near the bowels may experience nausea, vomiting & constipation.

Some other symptoms of Lipoma include:

• It is easily moved when pressed or touched with a finger.

• You will find its rubbery or doughy consistency.

• Most commonly trigger the upper body parts only.

• Rarely develop in bones or around blood vessels.

Who is Prone to Fatty Tumors?

The following are prone to fatty tumors:

• Middle-aged people.

• Lipoma is slightly more common in men than women.

• It affects 1 percent of the population.

• People who have a family history suffer from this condition.

• People who have high cholesterol or glucose levels.

• Excess consumption of alcohol also leads to the development of fatty tumors.

What Scans Are Required Before Lipoma Removal?

Fatty tumors require assessment with XRI, MRI scans, CT scans, & even biopsy. Your doctor may also thoroughly examine your condition. He can advise you on the best course of action for your situation. Usually, when a patient has Liposarcoma, a biopsy is performed.

When Should You Worry About Lipoma?

In the following cases, you should take Lipoma seriously:

• When it is above 6 cm.

• Increasing rapidly in size.

• Becoming stagnant, red, & hot.

• Giving your skin an ugly appearance.

• When it is causing cancer or Liposarcoma.

• Swelling up and becoming a solid, immovable lump.

In the above cases, you should take urgent guidance of a doctor & take the treatment accordingly.

Difference between Lipoma & Liposarcoma

Lipoma is known as a non-cancerous fatty lump that is typically painless & usually grows just beneath the skin. You will most commonly find it on the arms, shoulders, back, & neck, etc.

Liposarcoma, on the other hand, is a soft tissue cancer that can develop anywhere in the body. The difference between Lipoma & Liposarcoma is that Lipoma forms for years while, in Liposarcoma, fatty tumors increase rapidly, develops in blood vessels or organs require biopsy & treatment surgery, chemotherapy, & radiation, etc.

What is the Best Treatment, Removal & Removal Cost for Lipoma?

There are a variety of treatments to remove Lipoma, including surgical operations, Liposuction, and non-surgical methods. In terms of the first 2-therapies, both are expensive, cause swelling, pain, bleeding, discomfort, & may leave scars on your skin. However, you can opt for these treatments when the growth of the fatty tumor is above 10 cm, giving you chronic pain, & increasing rapidly, etc. You can remove your fatty tumors using these procedures under local anesthetic & you can go home straight after the treatment.

On the other hand, a non-surgical Lipoma removal option is available for you — Lipoma Wand. It is a natural approach to treating fatty lumps at home. The good thing about this product is that whether you have one Lipoma or multiple Lipomas, this device can eliminate the number of Lipoma with massage therapies. Also, you do not need to go to the doctor, buy this affordable device online, & rub it on the affected area for 10–15 minutes. Above all, Lipoma Wand also prevents the further growth of fatty cells in your body. By receiving treatment from Lipoma Wand means receiving a cost-effective, painless, and safe treatment- anytime, anywhere.

Does Lipoma Reoccur?

Is it possible for me to develop fatty tumors once more? Therefore, it depends on the course of therapy you choose; for instance, if you have surgery, there is a potential that fatty tumors could return. However, if you opt for receiving treatment with the Lipoma Wand, it prevents the growth of fatty cells in your body.


In the above discussion, we cleared that Liposuction & surgical procedure can cost you expensive, cause scars after removal & even recurrence, etc. On the other hand, taking Lipoma treatment without surgery at home is safe & affordable in every way. So, it is up to you whatever treatment you opt but don’t let these fatty tumors grow on your skin. Otherwise, they can handily form in cancerous cells.

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